Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Synthesized ideas for Leadership, Learning, and Service - Lens through Readings - Day 11 - 6.29.09

The underlying thread that connects the books is the process of moving from "personal centered" to ever-expanding inclusion in order to transform. Within this is the acceptance of risk and randomization.

In our intergenerational sharing groups (people in all three years in the program), we discussed all of the book readings for the summer. It was a fascinating discussion as the books are selected to specifically address each of the three years, leadership, learning, and service. The themes we identified that carried across all six books were:
  • That leadership begins as a personal commitment to leading people or being committed to a certain cause.
  • As people continue to transform as leaders, their role moves from that personal mission to an ever expanding inclusion or a vision greater than themselves. 
  • Great leaders must always set goals and have purpose, but must balance that with the ability to transform as new experiences and opportunities present themselves.
  • Most great leaders will tell a story of how important taking risks, building relationships, and allowing the flexibility to move in different directions has led them to their success.
The process of debriefing the books and thinking about how each were interrelated was amazing. It helped to synthesize and solidify what was learned throughout the first year and set the stage for years two and three. My understanding of our program crystalized after this experiences. It was surreal!

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